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Ich wollte noch Gemma Hayes zum Threadthema beitragen.
@Maja: Da bin ich ganz deiner Meinung. Es ist �berall sooo sch�n
(und zu deinem Beitrag vorher: Ich bin schon ein bisschen zerbrechlich. Pass da am besten ein wenig auf.)
Ts immer noch hier Meike? Nun aber ins Bett.
Triple schrieb:
�berall, man muss �berall hin, weil es �berall so sch�n ist.
Die Inseln, die Klippen, Dublin, Galway, alles.
Wie jetzt? Du warst auch schon da? Warum haben wir uns noch nicht dar�ber unterhalten, du Nuss!
1.In The Arms Of This Low
3.Falling Slowly
4.Drown Out
6.When Your Minds Made Up
7.The Swell Season
9.The Moon
10.Alone Apart
instore 21 April
myself and marketa have been travelling and playing small shows all over czech republic, ireland and america for the past few years, mostly on downtime from my band (the frames) we havn't taken these tours very seriously, most of the time its been an excuse to be in a place, and the gigs just payed for the experience.. so very much a "hand to mouth" approach to playing and travelling.. last year at a small theatre in prague, we were approached by jan hrebejk the czech film director to contribute two songs to his upcomming film "beauty in trouble" this was an exiting idea and so the studio time was booked, 4 days at Sono in prague with Adnrej lazo. 4 days seemed like a lot to record 2 songs, so we just used the time to record songs we had been playing either at home or live, we invited two other friends along Marja Tuhkanen from Finland on violin and Bertrand Galen from France on cello, both living in Cork in Ireland and playing with the great Irish band Interfearence. anyway for 4 days we recorded and jammed out a bunch of songs and ideas and this is the result. the title "the swell season" was taken from the book of the same name by Josef Skvorecky the great czech writer, to whome ive become a devoted fan. i was very lucky to have been given an address for him in toronto where he lives now, and so i wrote a letter asking his permission to use the title.. he replied very graciously and gave the album his blessing.. after the recordings were finished, it seemed clear to me that this was something worthy of a release. and though id never really thought about releasing an album outside of the frames i found myself talking to the band about this as an album i would release in collaboration with Marketa Irglova, the first person i sent it to was Brian Eno who had been a distant adviser for sometime, ive been trying to get him to record the frames for years, maybe one day, although he's always been very open to talk ideas through.. he got back to me on hearing it and advised we do no more mixing and fixes that it sounded finished to him. so we left it, raw and roughly mixed. so here it is.. done.. there are a lot of peices of plastic cloggin up shop windows and racks and so if a record is to be made one would hope its worthy of being made.. heres hoping.. ..............................................................................................................
snow patrol: pre-listening vom neuen album … /intro.htm
National Tour and New Album - August 10, 2023 @ 11:51:32 PM
Author: Claire
We're happy to announce a national tour to coincide with the release of our 6th studio album 'The Cost'.
The Cost will be released on the band's own Plateau label in Ireland on 22nd Sept. Release details for further flung places will be announced at a later date.
It will be preceded by a double A-sided single 'Falling Slowly' / 'No More I Love Yous' on 1 September.
We can confirm the following live dates in Ireland:
Sat 2 Sept - Electric Picnic, Stradbally Hall, Co Laois
Sun 24 Sept - Vicar St, Dublin
Mon 25 Sept - Townhall, Galway
Wed 27 Sept - Royal Theatre, Castlebar
Sun 1 Oct - Vicar St, Dublin
Mon 2 Oct - Ulster Hall, Belfast
Tue 3 Oct - An Grianan, Letterkenny
Thu 5 Oct - Everyman Palace Theatre, Cork
Fri 6 Oct - Everyman Palace Theatre, Cork
Sat 7 Oct - UL, Limerick
'Falling slowly' single announced - August 01, 2023 @ 11:11:19 PM
We're delighted to announce that the first single from the forthcoming album will be a double A-side featuring 'Falling Slowly' and 'No More I Love Yous'. It's due out on 01 september 2006. The as-yet untitled album will follow on 22 september.
und noch die tracklist:
people get ready
falling slowly
song for someone
bad bone
when your minds made up
sad songs
the cost
*+another new song*
Beitrag geändert von memyself&I (13.08.2023 11:24)
Wie prima. Und wann spielen sie in Stuttgart?
bislang noch unbest�tigt, soll aber laut frames forum im aktuellen newsletter stehen:
24. November Berlin
das w�re prima dann wei� ich endlich warum ich mir im november vom vom 22. bis 26. urlaub eingetragen hab.
ich w�rde sagen, die reiseplanung kann beginnen:
21st - amsterdam
22nd - brussells
24th - berlin
25th - prague
26th - vienna
28th - milan
30th - ULU, london
Nach Br�ssel kann ich leider nicht mitkommen...
Wie findet ihr denn Fiddler's Green?
Toll, ist ja echt wieder alles ums Eck. Danke ooch.
zusammengefa�t: album erscheit zun�chst nur in irland, also importieren, ausgedehnte tour im februar, die locations f�r die novemberauftritte werden demn�chst auf der homepage bekanntgegeben
newsletter - august 2006
i have been very slack. sorry. i know its an age since i last wrote, but, i'm here now - with an hour or two to spare - so here goes... straight in... no messin... :0)
guess what - we've got an album coming out soon! we've just been putting the finishing touches to the artwork and it'll be going on the presses soon enough ready for its release date in ireland on the 22nd sept. europe, australia, america - (basically the rest of the world) - will be releasing in feb 07 as they need a bit more time to work it upfront, but we kind of wanted to get it out in the homelands first, test the water, do a few gigs - have the space to 'do' ireland as we want to, before the rest of the world comes a-knockin! the album is called 'the cost' and it runs like this:
song for someone
falling slowly
people get ready
when your mind's made up
sad songs
the cost
the side you never get to see
bad bone
i think that glen has put up the cost and falling slowly on this myspace page if you want to have a butchers:
there will be a single released in ireland too on sept 1st which features falling slowly and a non album track - no more i love yous (and no, thats not a cover of the eurythmics song) i am trying to pin down a good week that the lads are going to be around and able to access the internet and we can have a good q & a session. you ask the questions and theyll answer em. probably easiest to do it on our messageboard?? ill let you know when that will be, but more than likely the week leading up to the new record/week of release.'s the dates.......
from the top
2nd - electric picnic. we will be headlining the electric arena which we're obviously all really looking fwd to. i didnt go last year, so am rather excited to see what all the broo haa haa is about. i hear its a great vibe up there, so, fingers crossed the rain wont come down in buckets and i can wear something other than me wellies and a raincoat (a fetching look, i know - but - its supposed to still be summer!!!!!)
3rd - the swell season are going to be playing a 45 minute set at around the 6.15 mark on damiens big tree stage. as all tickets are i believe sold out for the electric picnic, its only going to be begging, stealing or borrowing that's gonna get you into this one... sorry.....
22nd - album release day!!!! also - we are going to be doing an hmv instore around the 6pm mark. dont know yet how they are going to allocate the tickets, probably a wristband affair given out that morning or something?? ill let you know when i know on the board. hopefully whilst we are in the towns on the tour, we'll also be doing a sound city (galway), a virgin cork and an hmv in limerick, but ill keep you posted on that.
24th - vicar street - ticketmaster
25th - town hall galway
Town Hall Theatre box Office 091-569777
27th - royal theatre, castlebar - ticketmaster and box office
28th - music factory, carlow - ticketmaster and box office
1st - vicar street - ticketmaster
2nd - ulster hall, belfast
3rd - an grianan, letterkenny
5th - everyman palace, cork
6th - everyman palace, cork or 021 4501673
7th - UL, limerick
all tickets above are 27.50 plus any
booking/handling/printing/breathing/yacht buying/extension building costs that any of the ticket handlers decide to add on. sorry - but thats all out of my hands... i understand that the ticket booth in st stephens green doesnt add on a handling charge though...nor does the vic st box office... road records and sound cellar will also do you a decent deal.
next up. glen and the swell season quintet will be touring america. the record has got a release there and in canada on overcoat records and would have hit stores on the 22nd august. heres the schedule for glen and the gang in october:
12th - iota, arlington
13th - tin angel, philadelphia
14th - tonic, nyc
15th - southpaw, brooklyn
17th - triple door, seattle
18th - doug fir lounge, portland
20th - cafe du nord, san francisco
21st - largo, LA
24th - shubas, chicago
i think that we have the ticket selling places on our website - tour page - if not, you'll have to get your fingers to do the walking and find out from the interlink or - God forbid - pick up the phone and call the venue!!!
after that, it'll be all reconvening back home and then going out as the frames in europe for a bit of a promo trip to coincide with a european single release. i havent the 100% confirmed venues yet, but, heres the towns that we'll be hitting on that little tripette. again, keep your eyes on the tour page and ill get them up as soon as i know them. the london date IS however confirmed and the tickets will be on sale from august 25th... we will definitely be back as the frames to tour europe in a more extensive manner with the release of the new album. the time slot allotted for that is through february. dates as soon as i have them..
21st - amsterdam
22nd - brussells
24th - berlin
25th - prague
26th - vienna
28th - milan
30th - ULU, london
in terms of touring america - i think that failing any acts of God, i would like to predict that you will see us in texas at sxsw mid march, with an extensive north american and canadian tour through april/may. the down under of it all is going to be slipped in around the european/american dates. spunk records will be releasing down under. they are also going to be getting the swell season out in australia and nz before the end of the year.
T-SHIRTS - because we got a bit carried away with ourselves and thought that we could have two DESIGNS at the electric picnic and not just two COLOURS, we ordered a rake of lovely shirts with the frames/electric picnic on and a bunch of i am the majic hand shirts too in various shades....unfortunately, we can only take two colours with us, so the rest are now up on the board. the upside i guess is that one can order from the site slightly ahead of EP time and wear with pride on the day (probably covered in anorak and heavy jumper, but you never know your luck!!) plus, it will be a little cheaper from us direct as you wont get the mark up sellers price that you will get hit with on the day. they are all on the site now...
this is our new myspace page for the cost. … r=29691011 - lowlands link i think... vpro recorded some of the day.
and the 12 minutes acoustic set that Dutch radiostation 3voor12 recorded at Lowlands... … r=29691204 - photos from the metro, chicago show early august
rock for people czech festival shots - … _text=2846
zoran shots of lollapollza gig - … um125.html
some lollapolooza reviews: … le_id=3208 (day 3,second para) … c=netscape (day 3) … 5622/Music
Austin City Limits 2005 Music Festival DVD is now on sale, via itunes at least. the frames are featured on the dvd doing a tune called 'revelate'.
we feature on the duyster compilation for those that are interested -
swell season online purchase links for those that are asking - … line.shtml
as part of their campaign to make about 20,000 deleted albums available again, i do believe that island/universal have got another love song up on napster and itunes too.
and..if youve made it all the way down here, well done! our friend zoran orlic, has produced a photo book of the lads which is getting a collins release on october 1st.
he is launching the book (on the 1st october) at an art gallery, just around the corner from vicar st. is the link. the lads are going to pop along to the gallery at 6pm ish and sing a few tunes and sign a few books (if needs be). thing is, we can only have x 70 people into this one - so im going to have to run a competition. so, first 70 people to tell me the answer to this question - where does zoran live?
Enter your answer online:
i have also got ten books to give away as prizes, but ill run a comp on the board sometime in september... or maybe ill run several comps on the board and try to open it up a bit to outside of ireland! :0)
right then - ill shut up now. take care you lot. read ya soon no doubt.
lyrics, biographien, diskographien, mp3s irischer bands … cal_groups
ein ganz guter �berblick �ber irische bands, auch wenn eine wichtige fehlen und teilweise nordirland und republic durcheinandergehauen werden
und noch 2 interessante artikel �ber die frames … frames.htm
heute nacht 0.00-1.00
live stream auf fm4
Die irische Band The Frames spielt heute um Mitternacht auf den Brettern der FM4 Spielzimmer B�hne.
News - Album Details - 20/09/2023
"9 Crimes" will be the first single from Damien's new album "9" and will be released on November 20th. You can now listen to "9 Crimes" here. … newsid=40#
The album will be released on November 6th. The tracklisting is:
1. 9 Crimes
2. The Animals Were Gone
3. Elephant
4. Rootless Tree
5. Dogs
6. Coconut Skins
7. Me, My Yoke And I
8. Grey Room
9. Accidental Babies
10. Sleep Don't Weep
04 September 2023
Ash move to New York for new album
Downpatrick rockers Ash are currently based in New York, writing and recording their fifth album.
The as-yet-untitled record is due for release in early 2007.
Frontman Tim Wheeler told Billboard that the band had spent so much time in America promoting their last album, 'Meltdown', that they decided to live there.
With guitarist Charlotte Hatherley leaving the band after nine years earlier this year, the band have returned to their original line up of Wheeler (vocals/guitar), Mark Hamilton (bass) and Rick McMurray (drums).
Hatherley is currently working on her second solo album, the follow-up to 2004's 'Grey Will Fade'.
Damien Rice Press Release
It's my pleasure to share with you the press release for the new album 9 and some new publicity shots....
On November the 6th Damien Rice releases his second album �9�. Composed throughout the four years since its acclaimed predecessor �O,� work on �9� was completed in an intense period of activity over the last six months.
�I started with the notion that this album was going to be a 'heavier' record than the last. We went to record a load of the heavier tracks, but then we put down something like 'Grey Room,' listened back and went 'ooh, we like that'. And then we put '9 Crimes' down and we really liked that. When I played tracks back in the studio I was just drawn to certain songs. It was like, that song to me is just better than that song, it just is. Or the recording is better, or I want to listen to it and I want to listen to it again and then I want to listen to it again and again. I find sometimes that when things are a little bit too premeditated they don�t work. [This album] is mostly accidents, that�s the way it feels. But beyond any preconceived notions this has ended up being, from my point of view, a collection of songs I feel I can listen to.�
�We weren�t really a band when we recorded �O,� whereas on this record everybody was pretty much involved from the beginning. From the touring that we�ve done together everyone has a more intuitive feel as to what we like and what suits the songs. I�ve really got some momentum at the moment. I've moved straight on to the next record and I�m anxious to press on with that, so I'm putting aside any notions of tours or interviews for the time being. With �9� we didn�t actually do that much recording, but it was spread out over a period of time. Much of it came about by accident. I don�t know if I�m just one of those people, I just follow my nose and end up somewhere where I really want to be.�
�I've no desire to make any statements. I've no desire to try to be something other than what I am, or to try to make the music something other than what it is. And I've no desire to break through styles or modes or anything. I think I needed to get this collection of songs out of my system and I am quietly aware that they're fairly similar to what we've done before, but then, so what? I really like them.�
�At the point where you�re finishing an album there�s a title that�s the strongest, that�s sitting there and feels like it�s right. And that just happened to be �9� at the moment of finishing this one. Other options were �A Hen Will Sit On An Unfertilized Egg,� and �You Love Her, You Even Love The **** You Hate About her.� So we went with �9�.
�The key event that got the record finished was probably the band getting frustrated with waiting around for me. It's one thing somebody on the outside saying, 'Oh, when's he ever gonna put out another record?' But it's another thing when the band members sort of walk away from you with a sense that they don't believe that you're ever going to do it. I think it was in that moment that I kind of had that classic feeling of when someone tells you that you can't do something, I usually take that as a challenge and I like to prove to the person that I can! That was probably one of the biggest things that actually got this record going. I'd say that was the key in a way, because it was after that that I really knuckled down. It sounds really immature, but then writing songs is immature.
�In writing songs you're expressing your emotions, but very often they're immature emotions although you may write them in a very eloquent way. I think somebody who is very balanced and is sorted out in life don't see any issues with the rest of the world. Whereas when you don't have yourself sorted out, and when you've got issues and you're turbulent inside and struggling to find a balance, then you see all those 'issues' on the outside and they bug you. You write about them because they're frustrating you, and it pours out. But in a sense I feel that although it may be a beautiful means of expression, writing songs is, innately I think, immature. But it�s exciting, so **** it! Who says that being mature and wise is perfect anyway?�
Full track listing:
1. 9 Crimes
2. The Animals Were Gone
3. Elephant
4. Rootless Tree
5. Dogs
6. Coconut Skins
7. Me, My Yoke And I
8. Grey Room
9. Accidental Babies
10. Sleep Don't Weep
List of musicians:
Damien Rice - vocals, piano, acoustic guitar, electric guitar, nylong string guitar wulitzer, tambourine, rhodes, singing bowl, clarinet
Lisa Hannigan - vocals
Vyvienne long � cello
Tom Osander � drums, percussion, shaker, wine glasses
Shane Fitzsimons - double bass, bass
Joel Shearer - electric guitar
Cora Venus Lunny - violin, viola … hp?t=11392
Irland 3.November
US 14.November
D ???
Preorder: … IEN+RICE/9 … C%20DAMIEN
Despite his assertions to the contrary in the recent press release, Damien will be touring to support the new album.
I saw Glen Hansard tonight in LA, and as I was saying goodbye, I said, "See you when you're next in town." He responded, "We'll be back in December." I asked whether it would be as The Swell Season or as The Frames or what, and he said that The Swell Season would be supporting Damien on his tour in support of the new album and that they'd be in LA in December. I asked when in December, and after thinking hard about it he said "December 8th and 9th at the Wiltern." … hp?t=11548
The Frames Capture Onstage Intensity On 'The Cost'
October 27, 2006, 11:00 AM ET
John Benson, Cleveland
Ambiance over perfection was the modus operandi for the Frames' new album, "The Cost," frontman Glen Hansard tells "It came out pretty much exactly as I hoped," he says. "We went into the studio and set up a rule that we were only going to record everything absolutely live so if anyone f*cked up, we started again. It's made for a very spacious and, I suppose, honest depiction of each tune."
Tired of being labeled as a live band unable to capture its onstage magic in the studio, Hansard believes "The Cost," which is now available in Europe and will arrive Feb. 20 in North America via Anti-, achieved that goal.
"I think there's an intensity in it that has not been there for a while," Hansard says. "So when I say mellow, does it sound like a bunch of people who have kind of hit a point and chilled out? No. I've been listening to a lot of Gordon Lightfoot [and] early Elton John records and for me the sound I wanted was to be really simple. But in terms of mellow, I think there's an intensity to us and without wanting to use the M word, I think it's a bit more mature."
Having just wrapped up a brief American swing supporting his collaborative "Swell Season" album with Czech singer/pianist/composer Marketa Irglova, Hansard is already showcasing new original songs -- "Golden," "Once" and "All the Way Down" -- that could end up on The Frames' next studio album or on an eventual solo project.
Also in the works is a DVD release Hansard hopes to have ready in early 2007. The double-disc set will include a concert recorded at the expansive Pointe Depot in Dublin last fall, as well as a special recording of the band performing "The Cost" in its entirety. The latter is scheduled to take place this weekend at the group's rehearsal space in Dublin.
After European dates next month with the Frames, Hansard returns to America as a solo act opening for Damien Rice. The band is expected to use a 2007 South by Southwest appearance as the kickoff to its next U.S. tour. As for the likelihood of "The Cost" breaking the band to larger American audiences, you'll have to excuse Hansard for keeping his excitement in check.
"It's one of those things where I've been in a band long enough and I've heard the big-breakthrough conversation enough to know it's just another record," says Hansard. "I don't mean to sound defeated but I always get suspicious. I'd love if something came along. If suddenly Bruce Springsteen said, 'The Frames are the greatest band I've ever seen' or maybe it's someone giving us a tour. That would be great and if it happens, we're prepared for it. And if it doesn't, we're prepared for that too." … 1003315847
The Cost erscheint nun doch schon am 3.November auch in Deutschland
Beitrag geändert von memyself&I (28.10.2023 01:09)
das neue Damien Rice Album komplett zum H�ren
Danke f�r den Anh�rtip. Beim ersten H�ren klingt das neue Album wie das alte. Nur habe ich noch keine Hits entdeckt und ein Lied bestand halb aus Krach. Das wurd mir dann irgendwann zuviel und ich musste weiterschalten. Aber ich werds mir nochmal anh�ren.
da kann ich nicht so ganz zustimmen. sicher gibt es einige songs, die sehr gut von O h�tten stammen k�nnen (9 crimes, the animals were gone, accidental babies, sleep don't weep), aber insgesamt ist das album doch facettenreicher. auf O waren alle songs von einer gleichen grunstimmung und �hnlicher instrumentierung gepr�gt. hier hast du ein eing�ngigeres fast schon rockiges st�ck (rootless tree), einen poppigen midtempo song (dogs), das von dir als krach bezeichnete me, my yoke +I, fast schon beschwingte gitarren auf coconut skins und die stimme von lisa tritt bei 2 song auch st�rker in den vordergrund.
bis auf coconut skins und me,my yoke + I (wozu die verzerrte stimme? der song pa�t nicht zu ihm) gef�llt mir das album recht gut. mein favorit ist zur zeit accidental babies, das ist heftig, war mir vorhin schon fast zu viel, weil es so nah geht.
als gesamtwerk wird es bei mir allerdings nicht an O rankommen. das ist ein selten intensives, zerbrechliches und intimes album.
hitpotential sehe ich bei rootless tree, das eignet sich auch hervorragend als radiosingle. und mit dem refrain kann er nada surfs blanket year konkurrenz machen. l��t sich doch sehr sch�n mitgr�hlen:
f**k YOU, f**k YOU, f**k YOU
and all we've been through.
I said bleed it, bleed it, bleed it,
there's nothing in you.
And did you hate me, hate me, hate me, hate me so good
that you just let me out
let me out, let me out?
Its hell when you're around.
Let me out, let me out, let me out.
Hell when you're around.
Let me out, let me out, let me out.
und hoffnung auf eine tour gibt es auch:
News - European Tour in Early 2007 - 06/11/2023
At the session recorded for Norwegian radio on Saturday, Damien mentioned that last week he recorded a video for '9 Crimes' and also that he will be touring early next year, returning to Norway in March.
nur bitte, bitte anfang m�rz
Beitrag geändert von memyself&I (06.11.2023 20:40)
F�r eine ausf�hrliche Kritik reichts bei mir noch nicht. Habs ja echt erst einmal geh�rt. Das war nur ein erster Gesamteindruck. Und beim H�ren hab ich noch andere Dinge gemacht, als nur zu zuh�ren.
Rootless Tree muss ich dann mal auf Hitpotential �berpr�fen. �brigens mochte ich Blankest Year von Nada Surf noch nie