#1 20.01.2024 21:59

Ort: Berlin
Registriert: 10.11.2023
Beiträge: 1684

qualitative Bewertung von Bootlegs

Ich richte mich immer nach folgender Liste

A : Soundboard recordings, FM broadcasts - really clear, great sound

A- : Great audience recordings - DAT, MD recordings that sound great

B+ : Really good audience recordings - usually an really well done analog recording

B : Good audience recording - an analog recording with lots of crowd noise, distant sound

B- : Average audience recording - not something you are going to be listening to a lot

C+ and below : These shows are only for people who have to have every show like me

Master of Disaster       Befreiphone

www.remchronicle.com - R.E.M. Historie




Brett Fußzeile

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